Odyssey XR How-To

Odyssey XR How-To
  1. Create Account
    • Enter your email address and choose a password to create an account.
      • Check your inbox for the validation email, and click the link to complete the account registration.
    • Or log in as a guest
      • Be aware that your progress & purchases won’t synch across devices.
  2. Home Screen
    • You can watch a demo or swipe left to the store or swipe right to the options screen.
    • Alternatively, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate.
  3. Store
    • You can purchase an annual subscription to all Odyssey XR content.
      • This includes every pack currently available and all future packs as they are released for as long as you maintain your subscription.
    • Or you can purchase packs individually for a one-time fee.
      • Tap on any pack to see more details.
      • Tap the Get Pack button to purchase.
        • Purchased packs will appear on your home screen.
  4. Download
    • After purchasing an individual pack, you’ll be prompted to download it. Each pack is loaded with content, so it will be a big download! Expect it to take a few minutes.
    • If you purchase a subscription, go back to the home screen and tap the download button on the corner of any pack to download.
      • You can only download one pack at a time.
  5. Play Experience
    • Once everything is downloaded and ready to go, tap the play button on the bottom corner of the pack to launch.
    • Put your phone in the VR goggles and use the reticle (white dot) in the center of the screen to select and load experiences.
      • Look down by the floor to find the pause button.
      • When activated, an option menu will appear with buttons to Play, Go Back, or Change Mode.
    • Selecting Change Mode will switch to full-screen handheld mode.
      • Handheld Mode works the same as VR Mode, just move your phone to look around and use the reticle to select and load experiences.
      • However, in handheld mode, you can tap on the pause button and tap to select from the options menu.
  6. Uninstall a Pack
    • Just tap uninstall if you need to save space. Don’t worry! If you’ve registered an account, you can reinstall any time, or even on another device.